Event box

Circles and Silence: Opioid Prevention

Circles and Silence: Opioid Prevention In-Person

David Neill, the Violent Crime Prevention and Community Outreach Coordinator from the United States Attorney's Office, District of Rhode Island, will be presenting an overview of Rhode Island’s opioid epidemic and how it impacts everyone. He will then show the fifteen-minute Circles and Silence opioid intervention and prevention video. The video is impactful and touches upon all aspects of opioid use dependency. After the video, two co-presenters, usually cast members from the video, share their powerful, but loving testimonies. We then engage in a question-and-answer period.

The goals of the presentation are:

1) Educate the audience about the dangers of the tainted drug supply and polysubstance use.

2) Stress the importance of using one’s voice to obtain help and resolve adverse experiences.

3) Show how to obtain and use nasal naloxone/narcan.

4) Recognize signs of an overdose.

5) Understand the Good Samaritan Law.

6) Avoiding stigmas.

7) Teach about the available prevention resources.

8) Teach about opioid withdrawal and relapse.

9) Know that RECOVERY is possible!


This is a free event that will be held at the Kingston Free Library. No registration required.

2605 Kingstown Rd

Kingston, RI 02881


Wednesday, September 18, 2024
6:00 PM - 7:00 PM
Time Zone:
Eastern Time - US & Canada (change)
Kingston Free Potter Hall
Kingston Free Library
  Adult     All Ages     Elderly     Young Adult  
  Educational Program     Movie  

Event Organizer

Louis Migliazza

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